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Canyoning in Garfagnana and the Serchio Valley

We are privileged to have a mountainous area of ​​karst rock in our Tuscany (Apuan Alps and Apennine). Here the force of the water has dug in the time of exciting trails with natural jumps and slides, the "slide".

Description of the places and services:

The Serchio Valley there are five streams suitable for canyoning, it's up to the staff to choose which perform depending on the level of preparation of the participants.

The proposal is to challenge them with confidence, we will face them down with minimal equipment: harness, wetsuit and helmet.
As you know these are small streams and polished by round boulders of various sizes.
Along the way we will enter into contact with a particular vegetation consists of lichens, mosses and ivies that descend from the beautiful walls.
The duration of the excursions is variable, depends on the preparation of the participants and the flow of the rivers, approximately array will be used for 3 to 5 hours.
The difficulty of the trip is mid-level.
Request will be offered the rental of the suit, the harness and helmet.

See you there!
Do not miss the thrill of the descent of the streams in Tuscany!

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